Read about our achievements.
503 - 482- 8064 dan@diciccolegal.com
​2024, Multnomah County, won all claims in a civil jury trial partnership dispute
A small local business on the verge of bankruptcy faced an internal partnership dispute over how to wind up its affairs. Dan's clients voted to liquidate the business and wind it down, but one partner disagreed. A civil lawsuit ensued that went to a jury trial. The jury agreed that Dan's clients had the requisite voting power to wind down the business.
​2023, Multnomah County, "Business Divorce" litigation
In 2021-22, the principal owners of a local coffee chain were sued by a former business partner seeking to take back control of the company. The business partner was funded in part by a well-known venture capital group whose strategy was to buy up Portland brands for syndication elsewhere. Dan stepped in to take over the litigation defense in late 2022, and successfully manevered the matter to a confidential and amicable "business divorce" resolution. Dan's clients are now operating with new branding and are more successful than ever before.
​2023, Multnomah County, action against big law firm
A large law firm undertook representation of a hemp farmer who had been tricked out of millions of dollars by his former partner. The lawyer in charge of the case severely neglected the matter and ultimately lost the case on summary judgment, depriving the client of his day in court. Dan filed an action against the law firm and negotiated a confidential settlement.
​2023, Civil action in Florida Federal Court
Dan represented a cryptocurrency company headquartered in Portland who had been defrauded by a company in south Florida. Dan retained local counsel in Florida to file a civil action and participated in the case pro hac vice from Oregon. The matter was successfully and confidentially settled at mediation.
​2022, Federal Court, won summary judgment in a $10 million insurance dispute.
Dan represented an out-of-state employer who had temporary workers operating in Oregon. When one of the workers was fatally electrocuted on a job site, the employer's workers' compensation insurer denied coverage of the claim. The insurer argued that its policy did not extend coverage to Oregon. Dan sued the insurance company for breach of contract and a declaration of coverage. Dan won the case on summary judgment, ensuring that the employer and the family of the deceased would receive the full benefits of workers' compensation insurance coverage.
​2022, Multnomah County, Defeated Employer effort to obtain injunction in Non-Competition case.
An employer sought to restrain a former employee from competing against the employer. Dan presented written and oral arguments on short notice and defeated the employer's effort to obtain a temporary restraining order and preliminary injunction.
​2022, Clackamas County action by a lawyer against client for fees. Confidential settlement for our client.
Dan represented a senior citizen being sued by his former attorney for approximately $45,000 in fees that were alleged to be owed. Dan took on the case after the client had been self-represented for more than two years. Dan filed counterclaims against the attorney for breach of contract and professional negligence. The matter was successfully settled in exchange for a significant payment to Dan's client.
2021, Federal Jury Trial, Plaintiff Verdict in Uniform Trade Secrets Act case. Settlement post-trial.
Portland software company Opal alleged that its rival Sprinklr gained unlawful access Opal's software to create a knock-off product. Dan used his computer science expertise to lead the technology litigation effort in and out of court. Dan worked closely with Opal's technology experts to develop simple and persuasive expert examinations that carried the day in court. The case settled after trial for a significant sum.
2021, Multnomah County Bench Trial, Defense Verdict in a $20 million receivership action
Dan represented the owner of an apartment building whose tenants elected to stop paying rent under COVID-19 rent relief laws. The Commercial Mortgage Backed Security Lender inappropriately placed the building into default and moved to take receivership of the building. Over four days, Dan presented a case showing that the rent rolls had stabilized and that the lender could not prove the elements necessary to take the building into receivership. Plaintiff's case was ultimately dismissed entirely.
2021, Multnomah County action for receivership and foreclosure of $45 million real estate portfolio.
Dan represented a real estate developer in a lender action to take receivership over a multi-building real estate portfolio. Dan successfully persuaded the lender that the developer's counterclaims were too dangerous for litigation, and the parties reached an amicable settlement resulting in millions of dollars of relief to the developer.
2021, Jackson County plaintiff's action for fraud in a hemp transaction, $12m judgment.
Dan represented an industrial hemp farmer who was defrauded by out-of-state actors. Dan took a default judgment against the out-of-state actors, who then appeared via counsel and sought to overturn the default. In written briefings and oral arguments, Dan successfully argued that the default judgment was just and appropriate, and the Court agreed and entered the judgment.
2020, Measure 11 Bench Trial in Washington County, Not Guilty
Successfully defended a man accused of several Measure 11 felonies with 25-year mandatory minimum sentences in a bench trial in Washington County. The client was acquitted on four out of five counts, and on the fifth count, the Court sentenced the client to probation.
2020, Multnomah County "dram shop" liability action for $2 million. Dismissal for client.
Dan represented a bottle shop accused of overserving a patron who crashed his vehicle and severely injured third parties. Dan successfully proved that the patron had returned to his home after visiting the bottle shop where he drank and smoked weed before heading out to McDonald's. The Plaintiff agreed to dismiss the case for lack of evidence.
2019, Federal Acton, Won Summary Judgment in $1 million Lemon Law case
Dan represented the owner of a luxury RV that kept breaking down. Dan marshalled the evidence from each failed repair effort and successfully assembled a winning summary judgment motion that was granted from the bench at oral arguments.
2019, Federal Acton in New York Courts involving creators of Grand Theft Auto. Confidential Settlement.
Dan acted as a technological consultant in a lawsuit between the founders of Rockstar Games, the creators of Grand Theft Auto. This was a suit where hundreds of millions of dollars were at stake, and Dan's role was to help the trial attorneys understand and explain the technology.